Thursday 19 April 2012

Mail Services, what is better?

So today I come to answer the life long question, who has a better mail service? Google, Hotmail, or Yahoo? It is a good question, that is often debated, but my opinion is there is only one true victor.


Yahoo has a good mail service, but not as good as others are. It is easy to use, but you have almost no options for customization, and attaching files takes you to a new window, which can be laggy. If you want to attach more than 5 files, you have to open a new addition field, and its only one at a time. Yahoo does have the benefit of being able to create folders and easily manage your information.

Google Mail

Google Mail, is amazing in my opinion. It auto stores emails for you, and it gives you access to them on the side of your email, allowing you to easily click those people and send them messages and emails. Google also allows you to link your Google+ to it, allowing people to access who you are, which has its benefits and cons. Google is very user friendly is incredibly fast, and besides, you use Google everyday anyways, you can access your email on the top bar, so its very easy.

MSN (Hotmail)

Hotmail is also an excellent mail provider, but has a major issue with spam. They do have a spam guard, but I have noticed that I get more spam on my hotmail than any other mail service. They are fast, and it is owned and operated by Microsoft.  They offer a user friendly mail service, that works and that's usually all we ever ask for.

So here is what i think, and I guess you can decide what is better!

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Two Steps From hell, or Immediate Music?

This post is going to describe what I prefer more, TSFH, or Immediate. They both have their respective pros and cons, but I do have a preference on whose music I like more.

Two Steps From Hell.
Two Steps From Hell makes a ton of awesome music. Alot of their music is used in Movies, Video Games and other professional uses. They only recently made their music available to the public. They have a website, which has links to all of their music, available to buy from iTunes and other sources.

Their music is quite uplifting, making anything you do seem epic, such as cleaning. (jokes bro) I listen to their music while I play Skyrim, and I even changed the music out from Minecraft and input their music instead. This music always matches the moments of the game. Besides, the name is pretty cool too.

Here is some of their music, - Psst, this is my extended version of a song. - another really good one

Immediate Music
Immediate Music has a some really good music, which we all need, and some of which isn't as good. Their music is also used in games, movies and other professional uses. Their music is available to purchase on their site, which I must say really impressed me. Their site is as follows:

Their music was in alot of major movies, which many of you have heard of, but I won't go into detail, you can just check out their link. I play their music while I am playing games, usually just Minecraft though.

Here is some of their music.

As I said, I greatly favor one over the other, and that one is Two Steps From Hell. I prefer them because their music has more action in it, It seems to have alot of power, and generally makes me feel good.

Monday 9 April 2012

Good Screen Recording Programs

Today I am going to talk about some recording programs to use on your PC. There is a wide market of programs out there. They have many free use programs, and many that you have to pay for. Each program has its benefits, while others just seem to work better! After almost a week of heavy testing, here is the top 3 I conclude my list with today.

The first program that I am going to cover is Fraps. Fraps is a paid program, but does offer a trial version of the program. At first I tried the trial, and it was not bad. Once I got my hands on a paid version, i found that if you do not have a massive, epic rig, with lots of ram, then Fraps turns to the craps, but it does exchange the high ram usage with a excellent quality recording.
This link refers to the high quality recording ability of fraps.

You can get fraps here:

Today, I acquired Bandicam, and I loved it. It is worth every cent paid. I highly recommend it. Bandicam doesn't need as much ram or memory to run, and its videos are small, and compact. The quality is also excellent, with high fps and no need to lower quality.
This link is a excellent test to show the high quality of Bandicam.

You can get Bandicam here:

Camtasia is what I would normally use before I found Bandicam. Camtasia is a powerful recording program, but has a hefty requirement of CPU specs to get any high quality recording done. The quality does out weigh the requirements, as you can see here.
Minecraft is an excellent program to test recording software with.

You can get Camtasia here: